28 January 2009

Money Soap

Jess and I have been washing our hands feverishly over the past few weeks in pursuit of the dollar bill entombed inside of a green bar of soap received as a Christmas present.

It is either a $1, $5, $10, or maybe even a $50 in the Money Soap bar. If I get to it, that'll pay for about ten 1/2 gallon cartons of Edy's slow-churned Cookies'n'Cream; if Jess gets to it, it'll probably go for about three bottles of designer shampoo and a can of mousse.

24 January 2009

Bond Lake Park

We spent last evening in Lockport and met up with Uncle Marty this AM for a ski at Bond Lake Park. Bond Lake is located in Ransomville, New York and is the largest of the several bodies of water within the park's boundaries. From the trailhead map, it appeared that the park also shares a border with the Tuscarora Reservation .

Bond Lake Park - Ransomville, NY direct video link for any of you poor souls still browsing the web with Internet Explorer

18 January 2009

Fence Posts

Another milestone on the Av's odometer!

America's Existence to be Proved

Excellent words by Bono on the upcoming inauguration of Barack Obama, as aired on NBC Nightly News w/ Brian Williams:

When this man swears in on Lincoln's Bible, he proves America exists.

This alludes to America as an idea, not a place. Chuck Todd, NBC's White House correspondent, of course had to put a damper on the the statement as the clip cut to him saying something about this "ADD Nation"...

15 January 2009

Tanner's Got His Groove Back

Tanner's post-op swelling (man-surgery @ 14 mos.) is significantly down and today his attitude has changed dramatically from that of the past week. He has turned from a lounging recovering hound into a stir crazy beast! Not hard for some to believe, I'm sure.

We were just outside for our last bit of fresh air before turning in for the night, when of course Tanner slips out of his collar and starts racing around. With his week-old stitches, I figure the healing process has to have taken a pretty good hold, so not too worried there. What I really wanted to do was grab him and get inside. Tanner had other ideas and there was a lengthy chase. I tried lassoing him, distracting him with snowballs, and using commands. All bitter failures. Very frustrating, and I set my feet and went for the tackle. Tanner avoided me, and I quickly rolled to one side and wrapped him up with my legs as one might see in a UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) match.

It was funny then, as at the same moment when I most wanted to unleash all my frustration on him, I realized I was having an extreme amount of fun and should really be thanking Tanner, Golden Retriever for freeing my mind from all other preoccupations. We both settled into the deep snow, looking upwards through the falling flakes into the night sky. It's now 10 degrees and falling in this beautiful Winter Wonderland.

13 January 2009

Be Thankful for Those Who Smudge

A quotable from Michael Savage while listening to WHAM 1180 on the way home from RIT tonight:

The man who smudges your door on the way inside will be the same man who picks you up when you fall...

This statement followed an idea where those with the cleanest white shirts may be the most unclean, and those with the stained shirts may be the most clean. Michael Savage is a smart man! Again and again, I find there is a gem waiting to uncovered in every conversation.